
Sara & Nathan

Sara + Nathan

Every single detail in this wedding day was sentimental and uniquely beautiful! From the sweet letters that Sara saved, to the video intro at the start of the ceremony, to the Hawaii tent at the reception and so much more, this wedding had me reaching for the tissues! I had so much fun photographing this couple because they know how to have fun with their love story! Sara looked stunning in her wedding dress and pulled out the big guns in her getaway dress! Nathan was so much fun with his #KillerCrocGang ! It seemed like the whole town fit inside that sanctuary to witness this special day. It truly is a testament to the friendships these two have invested in and the love people have for them. I am so grateful that I got to witness this marriage and be blessed with the opportunity to photograph it! Congratulations, Sara and Nathan! You two are seriously meant to be! Enjoy Hawaii and keep the Star Wars references coming!

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