
1 Month of Motherhood — 1 Month of Support

Courtney Sellers Co-founder of Fox Weddings

Courtney Sellers
Co-founder of Fox Weddings

Today marks the one month anniversary of my son’s birth. When I look back at this month, it’s a mixture of crying, baby cuddles, spit up, nursing, meltdowns, and overwhelming community support. I’M NOT GONNA LIE! It’s been a challenge. Breastfeeding is its own mixed bag of complete mind and body domination. It’s exhausting and time consuming and painful (at times) and sweet and cuddly and stressful. But following the support of Henry’s birth, I’ve had a team of support help me during this process as well. Even as faraway as New York, I’ve had the support of my friend/ previous Fox Weddings Bride/ long-distance doula*, Kelsi Clark Kennedy.

It doesn't make a difference if you're right down the road or 1,000 miles away-- Kelsi will give you and your pregnancy the same quality of care and attention. On the night I went into labor, I knew that something was different. I gave Kelsi a call and she began to talk me through what my body was doing and how I could help it prepare for labor. She showered me with words of affirmation and birth success stories and by the time we got off the phone, I knew that I was not alone. I knew I had a team of women on my side. In the hospital I remember repeating to myself what Kelsi had told me hours before, "You are not alone in this labor. Hundreds of women are laboring with you right at this moment." It was so comforting to have the visualization of a powerful force of women all coming together and pulling that joint energy of strength to get through the labor. The woman in the room next door was also laboring naturally. I kept asking about updates on her because I felt like I knew what she was experiencing and vise versa. After the delivery we were able to connect and talk as I was checking out of the hospital, and I just kept thinking, "you were one of the women with me. I was not alone and neither were you." I felt this sense of connectedness to this stranger all because of the new perspective of community that Kelsi had given me.

It got me thinking about the bigger circle of support that we had throughout pregnancy and now through early parenthood. Almost daily, people would message me or John and wish us well with the baby. People sent us gifts and cards, all in hopes that we would be more prepared for this great big change in our lives— and it has prepared us! But even more so, it has shown us that people are good. People care. People want you to have better luck than them. People get it.

One of the biggest helps was the food train that a dear friend of mine coordinated: 2 weeks of meals brought to our house every other day by loving and caring friends. What a gift. It seems like there’s no way to ever properly thank everyone. I can’t possibly express to each person how much it meant to me to have a meal covered or a gift purchased off the registry. Togetherness. Community. Prompted by an old college friend who hired me and John to shoot her wedding almost 4 years ago.

*Kelsi is such an incredible doula, whether you’re wanting a full time doula or just wanting some support from a long distance! To learn more about her and her services click HERE!

Me and Kelsi on her wedding day! She was such a gorgeous Fox Bride!

Me and Kelsi on her wedding day! She was such a gorgeous Fox Bride!

Baby Henry Day 1

Baby Henry Day 1

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My new favorite second shooter!

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